Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Tego is BACK!

Daddy Yankee may be the most handsome reggaeton star. Don Omar may have the sexiest eyes. But my favorite is Tego Calderon and he doesn't even want to be known as a reggaeton artist. He wants more versitality than that. But you know - he's not an idiot. He knows what pays the bills. His new album is out and you should give it a listen. His music is inventive, catchy, and covers a lot of ground. Its been out for about a month but isn't getting much play yet and isn't available on iTunes (or wasn't last time I checked). Sure, maybe you don't understand Spanish. Doesn't matter. Good music is good music regardless of the language.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Adios Videos

Fox did a clean sweep of the So You Think You Can Dance videos that were on YouTube.com. So if you see one on my site, I apologize that it is no longer available. It is too bad because some of those were just awesome!!! I have found a few on other sites but won't go to the trouble of re-posting for now.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Salsa Performance

As far as I know, on August 20th, I'll be doing my very first rueda performance. It is kind of a big thing for me because I've never been asked to perform before. I guess its because of my life and schedule. So I'm very excited about it. I'm confident it will go well - I just want to make sure I look good doing it. I don't want to be up in front of all those people looking like a dork. Hahaha. It takes place in the afternoon in the Lamont area of Washington DC. It was post-poned once. Hopefully it won't get cancelled or post-poned again.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Just Venting

I'm so tired of the "When's your baby due?" question. People - please understand this is RUDE!!!! I have lost close to 60 lbs in one year. I DO NOT LOOK PREGNANT!!!!!!!!! Just because a shirt is blousy does not make a woman pregnant. Shut up already. And I've ceased trying to just blow it off. I'm downright mean to people now because that's how they make me feel.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Upcoming Performance

A friend of mine asked me to perform with him and some friends. It is pretty fun. I normally don't have time to committ to a group over a long period of time so this is perfect. The performance is on August 5th. I am not 100% sure where it is. I know its Mt. Pleasant area of Maryland at a park but I couldn't find it on a map. You should come out and check us out!

Last night we even made up a couple of new moves that were fun. Hopefully they'll go over well with the crowd. One is specifically for the crowd and if they don't laugh or whoop it up, it'll be a failure. Or silly. But that's ok. Its a risk but definitely a fun one. I'll post a video clip of the performance after we're done.

Monday, July 24, 2006

Inspiration for Today

I'm tired today. I needed some inspiration and decided to go find some quotes to help me through my day. I found some at http://www.onlinediscountmart.com/quotable-quotes.html. Here are a few that I really enjoyed.

For the women who think getting checked out by construction workers is a bad thing...Mae West has it 100% right.

"It is better to be looked over than overlooked." Mae West

I think Mark Twain has the most quotes. In fact, I read them and thought "ohhh...that's who said that first!". One of my favorites by him involves compliments. I don't think we give each other enough these days.

"I can live for two months on a good compliment." Mark Twain

And finally some quotes about marriage that I thought were on point.

"You see, when friends become lovers and then husbands and wives, well, two is definitely better than one, to themselves and to everyone they touch." Lee Baldwin

"Any marriages would be better if the husband and wife clearly understood they are on the same side. Zig Ziglar (so true!!!!)

"Love is like friendship caught on fire." Bruce Lee (I had no idea Bruce is the one who said this - totally awesome!)

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Ms. La-Ti-Dah

I couldn't help but laugh last night as the diva walked in the club. She had a small entourage with her. Some dude looking helpless holding her hand while another just seemed to be their escort or something. As she enters the joint, all the guys stop to stare at her. Why? Well, first they think she's the be-all, end-all to dancing. Second, she makes sure to wear as little clothing as possible. She's hot. Don't get me wrong. Maybe I'd wear the same thing if I could. Um. No. I wouldn't. So she struts over to the bar and people clear the way for her. I leave and go dance. And you know what? She's watching me. Eyeing me more like it. I'm sure she had many opinions of me and my dancing. I don't really care. I couldn't help but laugh though. Her, sitting there, acting as if she owned the place. Well, Ms La-Ti-Dah... you don't own anything. Get out on the floor, sweat, and stop looking down your nose. You're not fooling anyone.

Friday, July 21, 2006

*sniff sniff*

Dmitry has been voted off of So You Think You Can Dance. See his last solo dance here while you can. The boy is so handsome and beautiful. Sure, he started to depend on his shirt being open and such but that's ok. I didn't mind.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Miami Here I Come!

I've been talking about the upcoming competition I'll be taking part in this coming October. And what's the best part about it? Miami, Fl. Having gone there last year, all it did was make me want to go back. I have loved all my trips to Florida (http://www.flausa.com). I've been to Orlando four times and Miami once. I can't say I've ever had a bad time there. First its nice and warm. And if I love anything, its warm weather. I know I know, some people say "but its too hot". That's ok. More heat for me. One thing that I have always liked is that people seem very friendly there. Granted, Orlando is the tourist capital of the world, but, people seem sincerely happy there. And I love friendly people. Miami is totally different than Orlando but equally cool. I'll be there a little longer this year so I'm hoping to spend more time exploring South Beach. Maybe I'll even be in shape enough to wear my good bikini!! I'm sure the shopping is great and, of course, the food. Cuban food is delicious and a Cuban sandwich there is far better than anywhere else in the states (prove me wrong people!). I'm really excited about my upcoming trip and if you want to join me - let me know!

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Friday Night Dancing

Cecilia's in Arlington is offering salsa lessons this Friday. Come and check them out. They start around 7:30 p.m. and are only $10 for all lessons and a night of dancing. The lessons are great and provided by SAOCO - the funnest (most fun) group in the DC area. I know because I'm not only a spokesperson, I'm their webmaster. But seriously, folks, you know you've been wanting to get out and try to learn how to dance. If you're a guy, you'd like to impress the ladies with your abilities. If you're a woman, you want the papi chulo in the club to ask you because you got skills. Only one way to accomplish that....getting out there and taking the lessons and practicing. And if you want, I'll dance with you personally and help you out. I promise!

Saturday, July 08, 2006

So You Think You Can Dance Like Dmitry???

I have truly enjoyed watching this season of So You Think You Can Dance. I missed most of it last year and regret it. I think I was busy with the baby then. And now, I'll admit it, I have fallen for Dmitry. The man is gorgeous and has abs of steal. He is a ballroom specialist and when he dances the samba it makes me want to cry. I really love the samba but have never taken a class in it. That might have to change if I ever get a chance to dance with a man who looks like that. For you ladies, take note - he often dances with his shirt open. And its beautiful. If you haven't checked it out yet, do! If only to watch him!!!

Friday, June 30, 2006


Wednesday, June 28, 2006

I'm Cranky About This

I'm not a huge feminist. I'm all for women doing what they want, when they want, how they want. If that means parading around in nothing or little-to-nothing, fine. If they want to be on Girls Gone Wild. Fine. I just consider there to be a time and place for everything. Just because I think women can do what they want, doesn't mean I respect them more for it. South Beach is having a big salsa party/one year anniversary party thing this Thursday. Included in the night's festivities is a "sexy bikini contest". Who wears bikinis? Women. Who usually judges? Men. Again - sure - enter the contest. But seriously? What does it have to do with salsa? Nada. It is just a reason to get more men out. Why? To oogle women and make them a piece of meat. At a salsa event. Where we're supposed to be dancing. Mingling. If this was spring break... at the beach (a true beach)... something like that where the wearing of a bikini is normal, great. Go for it. Otherwise, I think its stupid. Are men allowed to enter? Are they going to have a Men's Speedo Contest? Doubt it. Why? Because us women don't make men into pieces of meat that we want to conquer and take to bed and then kick out in the morning. Ok ok. That's not all men but really, when you're up on stage, in a skimpy bikini, asking the men to vote if you're hot or not, do you think they want to take you home to mom and marry you? Probably not.

Unfortunately, I won't go back to South Beach. Not that it and most of its stupid on2 snobs will miss me, but, still.

Monday, June 19, 2006

Music? What? I Can't Hear It!

I went to South Beach last Thursday for some salsa dancing. I don't really care for the place that much mostly due to the dancers who go there. You know - the on2 Snobs. Not all on2 dancers are snobs, but, the ones who go there are. Such egotisical dancing and I swear - would it hurt you to actually smile??? Anyway... the dj there - morales - kept talking over the music on the microphone. A great song would come on and then you'd hear "I wanna give a shout out to _____ and to _____." Over and over. I think just about everyone in there got a shout out - yes - even SAOCO but give it a rest. At one point, I lost track of the song since I couldn't hear it. Idiot. I def won't be going back there unless my friend begs me to or something. I'll take Cecilia's or Habana Village on a Thursday any day over that place.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Competition Revisited

I have gone ahead and asked one of my friends to compete with me. He, unfortunately, either really doesn't want to and is being nice by making excuses about being nervous or really feels he would be too nervous. I'd call him a name but he's my friend so I won't. I have one other person in mind to ask. If he doesn't want to, I'll probably scout around and see if there's anyone else I can ask. A couple people in other groups come to mind. Although it'd be far more fun with someone I know.

The Congress will arrive faster than I might think so I want to be prepared. I also would like to register for a cheaper price if I can since you have to pay for the whole thing to compete - which seems strange to me but whatever. I don't mind. I'll try to find a new web job to pay the bills. So if you need a site designed, let me know. I'm available!!!

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Dancing Hiatus

I'll be leaving to go on vacation on Thursday, May 18th. That means that I won't be able to go out dancing for quite awhile. I went this past Sunday to Duke's City to hear DJ La Farandulera play some great music. She always plays the songs that get me going. However, I will be trying to get out dancing while in Orlando, FL. I have a contact there who will hopefully hook me up with a good place to go. I imagine I'll be dead tired most days but it'll be worth it to check out a new scene. So please hang with me 'till Memorial Day when I'll be back to fill you in on the Orlando dancing scene!!

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Future Dancing

There is an upcoming Rueda Congress in October. I would love to enter the couples dancing contest with someone. I'm not sure who. I have a couple of ideas...but would they think I'd be good enough to enter with? I'd hope so. hahaha. I think I'm good enough - especially in casino style dancing. Whoever I would pick would need to be able to practice and also be good. How would I go about asking someone this? Just blurt it out or what? Prove to them I can dance. Although anyone I would ask would already know I can keep up. The key is asking someone who already knows how to dance casino-style since that's the type of congress it is. You can't go in dancing just regular NY or LA salsa. It has to be casino/Cuban-style. That narrows the pool of people by quite a bit. It would have to be someone I know who I think would be able to pull off a performance. But heck, who am I kidding, maybe I can't even do it. I'd have to look good enough up there...that means continuing the weight-loss so that someone would want to be seen with me. I'd have to master dancing in my heeled shoes. *ouch* Just many things to consider.

If you're reading this and have a partner for me or want to be my partner, leave me a comment! *smile*

Friday, April 21, 2006

Guilty Pleasure

I can't help it......

Monday, April 10, 2006

Oh My Feet!!

I bought these really beautiful dance shoes when I was in Miami last November. Sometimes I would want to dress up to go out but couldn't since I only had dancing sneakers. Which I love. And I dance very well in them. Unfortunately, I have slightly wide feet so finding fancy dancing shoes was hard. I decided on a pair and sucked up the price ($150). Now, I kinda hate them. I don't feel like I dance well in them. The heels are kinda high and I think I'm stuck with them - I can't get them replaced due to the design of the shoe (how it looks, not how its made). Plus, the way the material is around my toes isn't fun. They are little straps - not just straight material. My foot wouldn't fit into the ones with the material. So the straps cut into my toes/feet. So overall, I feel yucky, clumsy, and well, actually, kinda fat in the shoes.

So... what are my options? I could try to re-sell them. I've only worn them maybe 4 times. So that could be an option but I doubt I'd get $150 for them or even $100. A pedicurist suggested I put pads or bandages on my toes where the shoe cuts in and that would protect my feet more. That is a very good option I'll be trying next time. Any others? I can't think of any. Except to only wear them once every other month or something. But it seems like such a waste since they look so good on me. Or at least I've been told and I'm inclined to believe the person who told me. So I guess I'll either be practicing in them more (so I don't feel so clumsy) or just sucking it up and feeling the pain. Probably a little bit of both.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Him Again?

I have had a student teacher from Spain staying with me for close to two weeks. I took her out to Habana Village last Thursday and she had a great time. It wasn't too crowded. The highlight of the night was seeing the one person who dances in DC that I will never dance with again if I can ever help it. I have reserved that special category just for him. He is slimey. Gross. Treats women poorly. I don't even know how he still teaches in this area. I'm tempted to link to his group, but, I won't because I am fairly nice. I just know that the couple of times I've danced with him in the past, he did his best to rub up against me or use his hands in ways that they didn't need to be used. *ick* Anyway. While dancing with my friend, DG, he thought he'd get to step in during the dance. I gave my friend the "don't you dare!" look but he had no intention of allowing that to happen. Afterwards he said he hated how he treated women so I had no worries.

Monday, March 27, 2006

Death by Dancing

I swear they were trying to kill me on Friday. Dance after dance. Song after song. It started out with the first three songs. Two of them being quite fast. Can a girl sit and rest?? I have to admit, the music was great. Sin Miedo was playing and they are quite good. Even the DJ was playing some good stuff during their break. So I danced and I danced. I tried to leave. They wouldn't let me. There I was being drug back out onto the dance floor. 45 minutes later, I was finally putting on my coat only to have to put it down just once more. Thankfully, I was allowed to leave. My feet were tired. My knees were a little achy. And I knew I had a long drive home. To top it all off, an idiot parked in the exit lane of the parking lot. And even worse? Having the flu all the next day.

Monday, March 20, 2006

Calle Ocho Success!

This past weekend was pretty awesome. Not only did I get to dance a ton (although I don't think I dropped the 3-4 lbs I was hoping for but oh well) but I go to hang out with my friends a lot. The coming-together of the 4 big area rueda groups was fairly monumental. There can be a lot of competition between the groups for lessons, students, performances, etc. Rueda is a very social dance yet people tend to act very unsociably at times. But Saturday night saw 100+ people together, dancing, without worrying about who dances with what group. The performances were great. Everyone did a wonderful job. Overall, it was just a lot of fun. I hope that we organize something similar for the near future because I think it would help grow rueda/casino dancing in the Wash DC area.


  • SAOCO members are hot. As a whole. The group, performers and those just hanging out and taking lessons - very good looking group!!

  • Aramis is such a beautiful man! (if you don't know who that is, its ok).

  • The Alliance Dance Studio is gorgeous and I hope they'll have us back!

  • Some people really think they are awesome dancers but all they do is throw you around and its annoying, hurts, and makes me not ever want to dance with you again!

  • I created a sign for the event and it was awesome. I was very proud of it!!

  • I can almost dance normal in my 3 inch heels!!

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Michael Stuart - Back to Da Barrio

 Michael Stuart has a new album out - Back to Da Barrio. Michael has never really popped as a salsa singer. Anyone who has heard him in person will confess that the man can sing. His first album wasn't that good - at least in my opinion. It did not make me want to get up and dance. But this Back to Da Barrio - it sounds good. I like it. And I am downloading it off iTunes today. The first song, "Mayor que Yo" is hot and it made me want to get up and dance instantly. He has a remake of a popular song that's on the radio right now, "Ven Bailalo", made popular by Khriz y Angel. I like the original. I like Michael's a little better. If you are feeling the need for new salsa - check out this CD. I think you'll like it. Plus I mean really...look at the man...whew... Posted by Picasa

Monday, March 13, 2006

I Don't Get It

I like it when a man looks goooooood to go out and dance. Seeing a guy wear a great shirt, pants that fit really nice, etc. is very special. I have a couple of friends who really dress nice when they go out and it makes it all the better to dance with them. What I don't get is a guy who will dress in a 3-piece suit. I know that they probably think they are fashionable or smooth but I find it annoying. And to top it off, more times than not, they aren't some great dancer...they are mediocre. It also looks uncomfortable. I realize that there are men who are very comfortable in suits and probably wear them all the time. No problem. Go ahead and wear them. I just think that when salsa or latin dancing, it could be restrictive. Let me know if it isn't because you look uncomfortable to me.

Friday, March 10, 2006

Friday Night - Cecilia's

Tonight I'm headed out to Cecilia's in Arlington. Normally I go to lessons but with the group practicing so much it will probably be a light night like last week and I want to dance!

They have a good, live band on Friday nights (so I hear) so I'm happy to check them out!

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Tuesday Dancing

I wouldn't mind going out dancing tonight. I'm really undecided. The only place really available for dancing on a Tuesday night is The Barking Dog in Bethesda. It isn't a bad place. But it isn't great either. The dance floor is nice. The drinks are fairly cheap. The music is good. The crowd is the biggest problem. Normally, I'll see a few people I know there and that's always fun. But on the downside, you get some of the "we're better than you" attitudes up in there. They tend to all dance the same for some reason - footwork, styling, etc. I can never figure out why they all want to look the same on the dancefloor but maybe its inevitable since they tend to take classes from the same person.

Decisions decisions. Should I go or not?

Monday, March 06, 2006

Hector Lavoe Video

Catch this video of the great Hector Lavoe who is considered one of the best salseros of all time. It has been a long time since I have seen even a brief clip of him so this is special. It is a little jumpy but considering it is from 1977...awesome!!

The Queen - Celia Cruz - with the Fania All Stars

Another Hector Video

And more yet...

Reporting from Washington D.C.

Since I had to retire my last blog, I decided to start a new one with a new topic. 90% of the time, this blog will be focused on salsa with probably 80% of that being focused on timba, rueda, casino, etc. Every once in awhile, you may get something personal on here. I am only human.

Some background...
I left my ex-husband. It was a glorious and incredibly dark time in my life. I had only two people in my life for support and even one of them were not all that supportive. My family was non-existent at this time. So for the most part, I was alone. One day, I went to the movies and saw Dance With Me staring Vanessa L. Williams and Chayanne (yum). I saw the dancing in that movie and was hooked. Of course, not by the ballroom dancing...just the salsa montages. I had no idea at that time the dancing in the club during one scene was Rueda. Finally, I got myself to some classes and loved it. Somehow I got involved with rueda lessons (I know how but its too long of a story for here) and the rest is history. I've taken time off to have a couple of babies and have just started back dancing again and love it. And to top it off, I can say that this is the first time where I've felt like I have actual friendships through salsa dancing. That's a big first for me since friendships and I don't generally go together.

First Post

First post so far...