Guilty Pleasure
I can't help it......
A review and commentary on Salsa Dancing in the Washington DC area - focused mostly on the rueda crowd and other general thoughts about life.
I bought these really beautiful dance shoes when I was in Miami last November. Sometimes I would want to dress up to go out but couldn't since I only had dancing sneakers. Which I love. And I dance very well in them. Unfortunately, I have slightly wide feet so finding fancy dancing shoes was hard. I decided on a pair and sucked up the price ($150). Now, I kinda hate them. I don't feel like I dance well in them. The heels are kinda high and I think I'm stuck with them - I can't get them replaced due to the design of the shoe (how it looks, not how its made). Plus, the way the material is around my toes isn't fun. They are little straps - not just straight material. My foot wouldn't fit into the ones with the material. So the straps cut into my toes/feet. So overall, I feel yucky, clumsy, and well, actually, kinda fat in the shoes.
So... what are my options? I could try to re-sell them. I've only worn them maybe 4 times. So that could be an option but I doubt I'd get $150 for them or even $100. A pedicurist suggested I put pads or bandages on my toes where the shoe cuts in and that would protect my feet more. That is a very good option I'll be trying next time. Any others? I can't think of any. Except to only wear them once every other month or something. But it seems like such a waste since they look so good on me. Or at least I've been told and I'm inclined to believe the person who told me. So I guess I'll either be practicing in them more (so I don't feel so clumsy) or just sucking it up and feeling the pain. Probably a little bit of both.
Danced by
Salsa Lover
7:16 AM
I have had a student teacher from Spain staying with me for close to two weeks. I took her out to Habana Village last Thursday and she had a great time. It wasn't too crowded. The highlight of the night was seeing the one person who dances in DC that I will never dance with again if I can ever help it. I have reserved that special category just for him. He is slimey. Gross. Treats women poorly. I don't even know how he still teaches in this area. I'm tempted to link to his group, but, I won't because I am fairly nice. I just know that the couple of times I've danced with him in the past, he did his best to rub up against me or use his hands in ways that they didn't need to be used. *ick* Anyway. While dancing with my friend, DG, he thought he'd get to step in during the dance. I gave my friend the "don't you dare!" look but he had no intention of allowing that to happen. Afterwards he said he hated how he treated women so I had no worries.
Danced by
Salsa Lover
2:55 PM