Friday, June 30, 2006
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
I'm Cranky About This
I'm not a huge feminist. I'm all for women doing what they want, when they want, how they want. If that means parading around in nothing or little-to-nothing, fine. If they want to be on Girls Gone Wild. Fine. I just consider there to be a time and place for everything. Just because I think women can do what they want, doesn't mean I respect them more for it. South Beach is having a big salsa party/one year anniversary party thing this Thursday. Included in the night's festivities is a "sexy bikini contest". Who wears bikinis? Women. Who usually judges? Men. Again - sure - enter the contest. But seriously? What does it have to do with salsa? Nada. It is just a reason to get more men out. Why? To oogle women and make them a piece of meat. At a salsa event. Where we're supposed to be dancing. Mingling. If this was spring break... at the beach (a true beach)... something like that where the wearing of a bikini is normal, great. Go for it. Otherwise, I think its stupid. Are men allowed to enter? Are they going to have a Men's Speedo Contest? Doubt it. Why? Because us women don't make men into pieces of meat that we want to conquer and take to bed and then kick out in the morning. Ok ok. That's not all men but really, when you're up on stage, in a skimpy bikini, asking the men to vote if you're hot or not, do you think they want to take you home to mom and marry you? Probably not.
Unfortunately, I won't go back to South Beach. Not that it and most of its stupid on2 snobs will miss me, but, still.
Danced by
Salsa Lover
8:50 AM
Monday, June 19, 2006
Music? What? I Can't Hear It!
I went to South Beach last Thursday for some salsa dancing. I don't really care for the place that much mostly due to the dancers who go there. You know - the on2 Snobs. Not all on2 dancers are snobs, but, the ones who go there are. Such egotisical dancing and I swear - would it hurt you to actually smile??? Anyway... the dj there - morales - kept talking over the music on the microphone. A great song would come on and then you'd hear "I wanna give a shout out to _____ and to _____." Over and over. I think just about everyone in there got a shout out - yes - even SAOCO but give it a rest. At one point, I lost track of the song since I couldn't hear it. Idiot. I def won't be going back there unless my friend begs me to or something. I'll take Cecilia's or Habana Village on a Thursday any day over that place.
Danced by
Salsa Lover
8:22 AM
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Competition Revisited
I have gone ahead and asked one of my friends to compete with me. He, unfortunately, either really doesn't want to and is being nice by making excuses about being nervous or really feels he would be too nervous. I'd call him a name but he's my friend so I won't. I have one other person in mind to ask. If he doesn't want to, I'll probably scout around and see if there's anyone else I can ask. A couple people in other groups come to mind. Although it'd be far more fun with someone I know.
The Congress will arrive faster than I might think so I want to be prepared. I also would like to register for a cheaper price if I can since you have to pay for the whole thing to compete - which seems strange to me but whatever. I don't mind. I'll try to find a new web job to pay the bills. So if you need a site designed, let me know. I'm available!!!
Danced by
Salsa Lover
7:44 AM