Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Upcoming Performance

A friend of mine asked me to perform with him and some friends. It is pretty fun. I normally don't have time to committ to a group over a long period of time so this is perfect. The performance is on August 5th. I am not 100% sure where it is. I know its Mt. Pleasant area of Maryland at a park but I couldn't find it on a map. You should come out and check us out!

Last night we even made up a couple of new moves that were fun. Hopefully they'll go over well with the crowd. One is specifically for the crowd and if they don't laugh or whoop it up, it'll be a failure. Or silly. But that's ok. Its a risk but definitely a fun one. I'll post a video clip of the performance after we're done.

Monday, July 24, 2006

Inspiration for Today

I'm tired today. I needed some inspiration and decided to go find some quotes to help me through my day. I found some at http://www.onlinediscountmart.com/quotable-quotes.html. Here are a few that I really enjoyed.

For the women who think getting checked out by construction workers is a bad thing...Mae West has it 100% right.

"It is better to be looked over than overlooked." Mae West

I think Mark Twain has the most quotes. In fact, I read them and thought "ohhh...that's who said that first!". One of my favorites by him involves compliments. I don't think we give each other enough these days.

"I can live for two months on a good compliment." Mark Twain

And finally some quotes about marriage that I thought were on point.

"You see, when friends become lovers and then husbands and wives, well, two is definitely better than one, to themselves and to everyone they touch." Lee Baldwin

"Any marriages would be better if the husband and wife clearly understood they are on the same side. Zig Ziglar (so true!!!!)

"Love is like friendship caught on fire." Bruce Lee (I had no idea Bruce is the one who said this - totally awesome!)

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Ms. La-Ti-Dah

I couldn't help but laugh last night as the diva walked in the club. She had a small entourage with her. Some dude looking helpless holding her hand while another just seemed to be their escort or something. As she enters the joint, all the guys stop to stare at her. Why? Well, first they think she's the be-all, end-all to dancing. Second, she makes sure to wear as little clothing as possible. She's hot. Don't get me wrong. Maybe I'd wear the same thing if I could. Um. No. I wouldn't. So she struts over to the bar and people clear the way for her. I leave and go dance. And you know what? She's watching me. Eyeing me more like it. I'm sure she had many opinions of me and my dancing. I don't really care. I couldn't help but laugh though. Her, sitting there, acting as if she owned the place. Well, Ms La-Ti-Dah... you don't own anything. Get out on the floor, sweat, and stop looking down your nose. You're not fooling anyone.

Friday, July 21, 2006

*sniff sniff*

Dmitry has been voted off of So You Think You Can Dance. See his last solo dance here while you can. The boy is so handsome and beautiful. Sure, he started to depend on his shirt being open and such but that's ok. I didn't mind.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Miami Here I Come!

I've been talking about the upcoming competition I'll be taking part in this coming October. And what's the best part about it? Miami, Fl. Having gone there last year, all it did was make me want to go back. I have loved all my trips to Florida (http://www.flausa.com). I've been to Orlando four times and Miami once. I can't say I've ever had a bad time there. First its nice and warm. And if I love anything, its warm weather. I know I know, some people say "but its too hot". That's ok. More heat for me. One thing that I have always liked is that people seem very friendly there. Granted, Orlando is the tourist capital of the world, but, people seem sincerely happy there. And I love friendly people. Miami is totally different than Orlando but equally cool. I'll be there a little longer this year so I'm hoping to spend more time exploring South Beach. Maybe I'll even be in shape enough to wear my good bikini!! I'm sure the shopping is great and, of course, the food. Cuban food is delicious and a Cuban sandwich there is far better than anywhere else in the states (prove me wrong people!). I'm really excited about my upcoming trip and if you want to join me - let me know!

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Friday Night Dancing

Cecilia's in Arlington is offering salsa lessons this Friday. Come and check them out. They start around 7:30 p.m. and are only $10 for all lessons and a night of dancing. The lessons are great and provided by SAOCO - the funnest (most fun) group in the DC area. I know because I'm not only a spokesperson, I'm their webmaster. But seriously, folks, you know you've been wanting to get out and try to learn how to dance. If you're a guy, you'd like to impress the ladies with your abilities. If you're a woman, you want the papi chulo in the club to ask you because you got skills. Only one way to accomplish that....getting out there and taking the lessons and practicing. And if you want, I'll dance with you personally and help you out. I promise!

Saturday, July 08, 2006

So You Think You Can Dance Like Dmitry???

I have truly enjoyed watching this season of So You Think You Can Dance. I missed most of it last year and regret it. I think I was busy with the baby then. And now, I'll admit it, I have fallen for Dmitry. The man is gorgeous and has abs of steal. He is a ballroom specialist and when he dances the samba it makes me want to cry. I really love the samba but have never taken a class in it. That might have to change if I ever get a chance to dance with a man who looks like that. For you ladies, take note - he often dances with his shirt open. And its beautiful. If you haven't checked it out yet, do! If only to watch him!!!