Double Spins!
I need so much help on my footwork its not even funny! Help! That's all I have to say about that.
A review and commentary on Salsa Dancing in the Washington DC area - focused mostly on the rueda crowd and other general thoughts about life.
I need so much help on my footwork its not even funny! Help! That's all I have to say about that.
Danced by
Salsa Lover
9:23 AM
Ocean Drive in Wheaton, Maryland will be the place for SAOCO's next performance. We'll be going on tonight around 9:30 - 10:00 p.m. I'm not nervous about the performance as it is just a rueda performance and stuff I have known for ages. I could get nervous about the men, since, some of them haven't quite got all the moves down but I won't because really - its just a dance. And its at a club. So I'll just have fun with it and smile and give 'em all my porn face!!! What's a porn face? Well, you have to show up and watch the performance to find out.
Danced by
Salsa Lover
9:32 AM
I love practicing our new routine - what we have of it so far. I do miss social dancing a lot though. I hope I won't forget how to by the time I'm done with this routine. HA! Of course I won't. One of these weeks I'll take an extra night and get out somewhere and have some fun. I knew I'd have to sacrafice a few things to be in the group. And I'm willing to do it since I'm tough that way.
I bought shoes today. That's always exciting. I should have them on Saturday - I hope. They are shiny and pretty and I can't wait to wear them around the house and test them out. My only fear is that I'll be too tall in them for my partner. However, I am testing out my other shoes tonight to see if they'll be ok. If he can still lead me in my shoes, the ones I bought should be fine.
The performance is only 50 some days away....
Danced by
Salsa Lover
4:48 PM