Monday, March 06, 2006

Reporting from Washington D.C.

Since I had to retire my last blog, I decided to start a new one with a new topic. 90% of the time, this blog will be focused on salsa with probably 80% of that being focused on timba, rueda, casino, etc. Every once in awhile, you may get something personal on here. I am only human.

Some background...
I left my ex-husband. It was a glorious and incredibly dark time in my life. I had only two people in my life for support and even one of them were not all that supportive. My family was non-existent at this time. So for the most part, I was alone. One day, I went to the movies and saw Dance With Me staring Vanessa L. Williams and Chayanne (yum). I saw the dancing in that movie and was hooked. Of course, not by the ballroom dancing...just the salsa montages. I had no idea at that time the dancing in the club during one scene was Rueda. Finally, I got myself to some classes and loved it. Somehow I got involved with rueda lessons (I know how but its too long of a story for here) and the rest is history. I've taken time off to have a couple of babies and have just started back dancing again and love it. And to top it off, I can say that this is the first time where I've felt like I have actual friendships through salsa dancing. That's a big first for me since friendships and I don't generally go together.

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